Matt Giesbrecht's E-Portfolio

Home » Tech Tasks » Tech Task #6 (Part 1) – 5 Card Flickr Story

Tech Task #6 (Part 1) – 5 Card Flickr Story

For the first part of my Tech Task, following the presentation by Alann Levine, I decided to try the 5 Card Flickr Story technology. I greatly appreciated the ease of this resource and the endless possibilities that they could serve. I can clearly remember suffering from writer’s block when in English class and this could be a great way to provide a wide variety of writing prompts.

The only issue I can see using this technology is having students not take the assignment seriously. It could be very easy to randomly click photos and not put a considerable amount of thought into what they are creating. Although this could be true with any assignment, it could be especially true here.

With that being said, here are my two stories:

Five Card Story: A Trip Abroad

a Five Card Flickr story created by Matt Giesbrecht

flickr photo by Rachel Smith

Last summer, my friends and I took a trip abroad to explore new cultures around the world. Our trip begin with a director taking us on a bus tour.

flickr photo by directrix291

The tour took us all over the city. We sketched out a rough map to show. I’m sure that there wasn’t a place that we didn’t go to.

flickr photo by Serenae

Perhaps the best stop was at the old library.

flickr photo by jentropy

Before we knew it, it was time to leave and we boarded the bus to head back to the hotel.

flickr photo by pepe.meneu

Our hotel was quite luxurious, full of staircases to get great views of the landscape.

Five Card Story: The Typical University Day

a Five Card Flickr story created by Matt Giesbrecht

flickr photo by bionicteaching

I begin each day with a 30 minute drive through the city to get to the University…

flickr photo by bionicteaching

As soon as I arrive I am forced to sit through hours upon hours of lectures…

flickr photo by Serenae

Usually during these lectures I find myself doodling away…

flickr photo by bionicteaching

This is a typical look that you may see on my face…

flickr photo by shareski

All I can ever think about is getting outside of the building and get some fresh air!

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