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The World Was A-Twitter: Analyzing the Power of Social Networking

After posting my Tech Task #2 (Part 1) post, I decided to delve into the area of networking and promotion via Twitter. With my handy, shortened URL, I took to Twitter and asked many different high-follower accounts that I followed to share my survey to gain responses. Shortly after posting these tweets, I received 3 retweets which spread my Google Form to 250,312 Twitter followers.

Once I received these push notifications on my iPhone, I became very excited for what would come next. At the time of this writing, my blog was viewed by 207 different visitors within the span of just a few hours and I had 77 people complete my survey.

Task 2 - Chart

Stats through WordPress are now a topic of great interest to me. Being about to see a graph representing how many views and visitors I have had over a various time periods is very compelling information. Another statistic feature I enjoyed with WordPress was the map that displays where all the viewers are from. As of this writing, I had viewers from Canada, the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Australia, Switzerland, New Zealand, Sweden, Germany, Hungary, Poland, France and Norway. Being able to see that my content is being viewed around the world was amazing.

Task 2 - Map

Finally, using Google Forms was extremely easy and informative. The statistics available through that site were very useful. By viewing the summary of my survey responses, I was able to see circle graphs representing my multiple choice questions. Also, Google Forms feature the option to organize results into a spreadsheet for easy viewing.

Task 2 - Food

Task 2 - Frequency

The results of my survey can be found here:


  1. Awesome analysis and insight. It gets the mind racing with possibilities and significance.

  2. nicoleroeher says:

    This is fantastic, Matt! I have been using my wordpress blog for about 2 years and I too love looking at my stats, especially at times when I am more consistently writing. My “personal best” for views was 107 and it was the day that I left for Guatemala. Now, this was only about 30 visitors, but I was still amazed at how many people were checking in on me!

    Now that I have began this class, I am getting more and more views per day. I average about 20 per day and most of this is from my ECMP 355 class. I am really excited to see how taking this class will affect the number of people that view my blog, as I really do like to keep up with it.

    Congrats on the success you had with your survey – that’s super awesome!

  3. I love that you are able to do this. I was using wordpress and switched to weebly because everything is so simple but it is lacking the advanced stats that wordpress has. It’s so cool to see that people all over the world are reading your blog!

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